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41 articles avec expo - showcase

Bravo ! / Congratulations!

Bravo ! / Congratulations!

Qui a gagné l'invitation au Salon Mode et Tissus ? Who is the winner? Merci à toutes pour votre participation Thanks to all of you for participating et la gagante est ... and the winner is... ... bravo Linda !! ... congratulations Linda!! L'invitation...

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Cadeau ! / Giveaway!

Cadeau ! / Giveaway!

Une invitation gratuite à gagner au Salon Mode et Tissus à Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines ! Who want to win a free entrance at the Salon Mode et Tissus at Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines (France)? Comment participer ? poster un commentaire sous ce post samedi 7 octobre...

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QuiltCon 2017, best of show

QuiltCon 2017, best of show

Oui je sais, vous les avez vus et revus, mais ils sont beaux, non ? Yes I know, you have seen them again and again, but they are gorgeous, no? Lincoln by Kim Soper @lelandavestudios - Photo @quiltingmod Bling by Katherine Jones @twocatsquilts - Photo...

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QuiltCon 2017, my best of show

QuiltCon 2017, my best of show

Op Art 2016 by Kathleen Robertson @cadoodlesanddesigns - Photo @sonicstitches Organic Mud-Century Mod by Laura Bennett @dlrbennett - Photo @quiltingmod Quilt by Rebecca Loren @parsleyisthenewblack - Photo @onetomatotwo Warp and Weft by Cheryl Brickey...

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QuiltCon 2017, quilting mastered

QuiltCon 2017, quilting mastered

The Egg by Hilary Goodman @entropyalwayswins - Photo @quiltingmod 1/x by Stephanie Ruyle @spontaneousthreads - Photo @sonicstitches Self Portrait in T by Hillary Goodwin @entropyalwayswins Guild challenge/charity quilt - Photo @jeffrutherford

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QuiltCon, favorites

QuiltCon, favorites

Out of the frog by Rebecca Cronk @rebeccacronk71 - Photo @handmadebyjaia Whatever by Katie Larson @katie.craftshell - Photo @cloud9fabrics For the Watchers and Dreamers by Kristin Shields @kristinshields - Photo @handmadebyjaia Quilt by Carolyn Friedlander...

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QuiltCon 2017 : Janice Marquardt

QuiltCon 2017 : Janice Marquardt

Vous avez probablement entendu parler du QuiltCon, un festival organisé par la Modern Quilt Guild. Who has not heard about the QuiltCon? @sonicstitches Voilà le quilt de Janice Marquardt, Murmuration Minuend. Here is Murmuration Minuend by Janice Mar...

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Sélection / Favorites

Sélection / Favorites

Réorganisation de mes tableaux Pinterest : Reorganization in my Pinterest boards: Epingler des images c'est simple et rapide, et les tableaux peuvent vite en contenir plus de 200. C'est très long de consulter un tableau de 500 images, voire plus ! Pour...

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Trois en un / 3 Quilts in 1

Trois en un / 3 Quilts in 1

Vu sous des angles différents, ce quilt étonnant de Flora Joy dévoile 3 visages : Mère Thérèsa, Oprah et Jackie Kennedy ! Il a gagné le Prix du public au Festival de Houston 2014. Different angles bring different perspectives in life and in quilts. Artist...

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Les plus belles expo / Best of shows

Les plus belles expo / Best of shows

Un aperçu des plus belles expo du moment. Best of shows, from all over the world. Quilts traditionnels et modernes de la Guilde de Northern New Mexico, photos et blog Quilting Mod Traditional and modern quilts from the Northern New Mexico Quilt Guid's...

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